You Positive?

The fuck is so funny, Barkley?

June 11th, 2019

I saw some people today and they reminded me of a simple truth that needs to be repeated.

Positive people do not have better lives than negative people do.

Bad things happen to them: they fall down, they get set back and they get hurt. They have sad days and mad days and days where they just want to give up, too.

But they don’t. They take the things that most of us complain and whine about and they see growth and opportunity. They take the unsalvageable garbage of existence and they see what can be saved and recycled. They don’t force others to smile — but they know the importance of doing so.

Positive people do not have better lives than negative people do.

But you would never know it if you asked them.

Published by dennisvogen

I'm me, of course. Or am I?

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